Thursday, May 28, 2009
All around us
Friday, May 22, 2009
Walking Across the Room
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Goal Setting
This past week I set a goal for myself. We moved to this house in February. Since then I have said hi to a couple of neighbors, but I hadn’t really met them or had the opportunity to talk to them. The goal I set was modest. It was to meet at least 2 neighbors and have a brief conversation with them. We had a yard sale on Saturday which enabled me to meet this goal. I met several people from the neighborhood and spoke with a few closer neighbors. Hopefully this will lead to more. I have been praying about how I can reach out to these people. I will keep you posted as things progress. I also have 3 houses for sale within a few feet of ours. I am praying for the new neighbors that will be moving in. I have found that if I don't set a concrete, achievable goal I may never attempt to do anything new. It also helps to have someone hold you accountable to the goals that you set. What goals can you set and who can help you stay on track?
Monday, May 18, 2009
Studying the Bible
Some websites that help.
Six-Step Method of Bible Study
Biblegateway - good for comparing versions of the Bible
Friday, May 15, 2009
Do you want to get well?
If you look at the invalid's response to Jesus, he says "sir, I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in , someone else goes down ahead of me." Think about this for a moment. For may 38 years this man has sat by this pool and attemped to get into the pool while it was stirred up by an angel so that he could be healed. And for 38 years, someone always got ahead of him. He hadn't given up. He still was looking for a miracle. Makes me wonder about how soon I give up when seeking God for something. How about you, how quickly do you give up and say it must not be God's will and all He is doing is asking you if you really want it. Or he could be using the experience to bring your or someone else closer to him.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Personal Devotional Time
Here is a link with some suggestions on how to change up your time spent with God.