Thursday, April 30, 2009


Life seems to be full of distractions. Sometimes I wonder if people had fewer distractions when there was less technology all around them. We can be easily distracted from what is important in life. There is always something else to be done. The WII is calling, Facebook is out there waiting for me to update. There are household project always waiting to be done. The grass needs to be cut, I have to open the pool. There are probably hundreds of things I could be doing right now. It can get to the point where you are neglecting important things in your life because we are surrounded by distractions. Things like spending time in prayer and reading God's word to us. Time with family and friends. Important things that really matter. In 6 months will it matter if I updated Facebook or played on the WII? It could matter if I took the time instead to spend developing a relationship. I have realized over the years that sometimes discipline is not enough when it comes to dealing with distractions. What we need is to come to grips with what distracts us most and then develop a plan to deal with it. Sometimes that will mean asking someone else to keep us accountable. It could be shutting the computer or TV off. How do you deal with distractions? How may you change how you deal with them?

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