Sunday, June 28, 2009

Generous Living

This past Sunday I shared 7 reasons or excuses why we don’t give to God. I got the idea from this website . They actually list over 40 reasons that we give to avoid following God’s commands. If I didn’t hit one that you use, check out the website and they may cover it. Or contact me and we can dialog on it.
I have to admit that I have struggled with giving. This past week, I looked at the bank account and realized that if I gave what I had written my check out for, that I may not be able to cover all my bills. This is where the rubber meets the road. Would I re-write the check and then get up on Sunday as a hypocrite? Or would I stay the course and trust in faith that God would meet my needs. I can’t say that the struggle was over in only a moment. It took a few minutes before I remembered all that I know about God and decided to follow through on what he has commanded me to do. To honor him with the first fruits. So, if you are out there and think you are the only person who struggles to give at times or to even give at all, know that you are not alone.
Let me share one last story. A few years ago while attending Hope Chapel in Pine Hill, NJ they had a challenge. It was a challenge to start the year by tithing and seeing how God would work in your life. I decided that I would take this challenge. I came to the point over many years of starting and stopping that I needed to be faithful in this area even if I didn’t see and financial results. I made the decision that I would give even if it meant giving up things that I thought I needed. We ended up having to sell our house at that time because we could not afford it. Not the financial blessing you normally hear about from preachers who claim that God is required to bless you financially when you give. But through that process God has taught me first of all about what I need. And that is ultimately a relationship with him. Everything else is secondary to this ultimate over-ruling need. He has increased my faith in this area and I know that if I am a good steward of what he has blessed me with, then my needs are met.

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