Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Lord's Prayer "give us this day our daily bread"

When I am praying through the Lord's prayer and I get to this part I begin to lift up my needs and wants for the day. This part of the prayer comes after we remember who God is, how great and powerful He is and how He want His kingdom to rule in our life and His will to be done. Now we get to lift up our needs to Him in light of all of this. We get to come before our Father, who has all the power that exists with our small needs and wants. I ask for my needs for the day to be met. My physical, emotional, mental & spiritual needs. That there would be enough money to pay for the needs and some of the wants as I hear His will for my stewardship of what He has given me already. This part of the prayer cannot be separated out from the rest. It is an integral part of seeking God. Jesus said to seek His kingdom and His righteousness first then all these things will be added unto you. In the Lord's Prayer He shows us how to go about seeking the things of God first in the order He places the phrases. We don't start with our needs but with who God is and God's desires for us then we can move to lifting up our needs from our viewpoint. As you pray through the Lord's Prayer, remember to look for the answers He gives and praise Him for it. This past week I was praising God that I have never been homeless or without food of some sort. The Father has seen me through this far and that gives me faith for future provision.

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