Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Over the last 2 weekends I worked on putting a brick paver path from the front door out to the side walk. It was about 28 feet long and 39 inches wide. I had to dig down (with a lot of help) about 7 inches overall to get the foundation set. It was a difficult and tiring process. Once the digging was done I needed to put in the landscape fabric to keep the stones from migrating away from the path. Then I needed to put the layer of stone which needed to be packed down. Then came the sand which needed to be packed down and then leveled to the correct depth. After that was the layer of pavers and then finally the edging to hold it all together. It was a long process and all the steps needed to be followed to get a good looking, long lasting final product.

It reminded me of how God works in our lives. He digs out the unneeded soil where things have taken root in our lives that would disrupt the path He wants us to take. He puts in a firm foundation of His word that everything else rests upon. Then God works to level out the rough and uneven spots in our lives before He can complete the work. But our lives are much longer than a 28 foot path. Time and again we come to a new section and the work starts over. Realize that all that is going on in your life if God's way of doing the work that needs to be done for you to become what He desires. God began a work and He does all things right the first time, so sometimes it seems to take longer than it should. Trust that the Master Builder has a plan and purpose for all that you go through.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Easter is coming!

The next 2 weeks in the yearly calendar of the church are the most important. More important than Christmas even though Christmas seems to get more attention. Easter is when we take time to be reminded once again that Jesus Christ, God in flesh, came to this Earth to lay down His life for each of us and then 3 days later pick it back up again to be glorified at the right hand of God. God sent His only begotten son to die on a cross because of my sin and because of your sin so that we can be made right with Him. Easter is about remembering this and celebrating that we are God's children when we have accepted the sacrifice made on our behalf.

I recently read a survey in which many people in this country didn't know why we celebrate Easter. It seems absurd to me that people don't know what Easter is about but it is true. Even people who attend church regularly are unsure of what Easter is about. Maybe that is because we as followers of Jesus Christ fail to speak about it or focus on it ourselves. This year, make the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the focus of your Easter and let the egg hunts and parties take a backseat to what is really important.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Judges 13 - Sampson's parents (continued again)

The final thing that I was wondering about in Judges 13 isn't spelled out in the text and is just one of those things as a parent I wonder about. I know how Sampson's life turns out. I know that choices he made, I know how God used the poor decisions that Sampson made. I just wonder what role his parents played in him making poor judgments. Did they coddle him and speak to him about how special he was all the time so that he began to think he was better than others? Did they just do that things the angel said and forget to teach him about God's law? Did they teach him everything they were supposed to teach him and he still choose the path that he did? We may never know this but I would like to think that I am raising my girls to know God and follow His will for their lives. I just have to remember that I need to do what God has called me to do and leave the outcome in His hands. If you look at Sampson's life you see that God used Sampson's sins for His own glory. God can and will use all things for His glory and I need to trust Him with my children.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Judges 13 - Sampson's parents (continued)

Another thing that I never saw before in this story is contained in verses 6-8. The angel of the Lord appeared to the wife of Manoah who was barren. He tells her that she will bear a son and that he is to be a Nazirite from birth. She comes home and tells her husband. In verse 8 we see how Manoah responds. He prays to God for the man to come again to teach them how to raise this child. What I found significant was that he didn't doubt what his wife said to him from what was recorded. He trusted her and went to God with it. And God answers his prayers in verses 9-14 by sending the angel of the Lord to them. I was convicted because sometimes I don't have the level of trust in my own wife that Manoah showed. And the problem isn't that she has done things to lose my trust. I just don't put the trust in her that she deserves. I need to work on this one in my daily life.

to be continued...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Judges 13 - Sampson's parents

I was reading through Judges 13 this morning and I was struck by a few things. The first thing that jumped out to me was that once again the people of Israel turned from God and He put them under the rule of the Philistines for 40 years. That is a long time. If I lived in that day and I was born at the beginning of this time of subjugation to the Philistines there would still be 6 more years left before Israel is delivered. It took that long for the nation to wake up and turn back to God. I hope and pray it doesn't take 40 years for God to get my attention to turn back to Him if I fall into sin. Sometimes the hard things in our lives are the result of sin. We reap the consequences of what we have done wrong. Some choices we make now, will affect us later in life in ways we can't even understand. That is why it is important to stay in God's will since He know what the future holds for us.

I will share the other things that jumped out to me in future posts.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Gideon and his legacy

I have been reading in Judges this past week or so in my quiet time. When I was in Proverbs it was easy to find something to apply to my live and hear God speaking. In the book of Judges I have had to dig deeper into the stories to get at the heart of what is going on. I read through the story of Gideon and it is a great story of how God works with and through people who yield to him. But at the end of chapter 8 in verse 30 that Gideon had seventy sons because he had many wives and he even had a child with a concubine with whom he had a son. Now it is virtually impossible if you have that many children to raise them properly much less remember all their names. Yet Gideon continued to expand his family. The problem is that it leads to the next chapter of Judges where the son of the concubine kills all his brothers except one who escaped. Abimalech (the son of the concubine) then is proclaimed king. His kingship doesn't last long and both the city that initially put him forth as king and Abimelech are killed. I see this as the fault of Gideon for not controlling himself and having more children than he could possibly raise. He did not use wisdom in how he ran his household and out of this came the survival of only one son who escaped. The decisions we make in our lives and how we live will affect our children for good or bad and we need to be aware of this so that all our decisions are guided by God's word.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010


I read a really good article on patience yesterday. It was a very comprehensive overview of patience and why we need it so badly in our lives as followers of Jesus Christ. If you would like to read the article is in on Christianity Today's website and it is entitle The Virtue of Patience. Or click on the title and it will lead you to the article. One of the things suggested was practicing patience and how the author had read a book years ago that talked about how you can go about putting the practice of patience to work in your life. I was up last night for a few hours unable to sleep. I was getting impatient with being awake and I remembered one of the things that the article put forth. So I attempted to put it into practice. One suggestion was to take 10 minutes and just slowly count as high as you can without rushing. Sounds easier said than done especially after you have been lying in bed awake for over an hour. Over the next hour or so I did attempt this several times but never for the full 10 minutes. I can't say I failed because I did attempt it. Some things just take practice before you can do them. Read the article if you get a chance and maybe something will jump out at you to put into your life.