Monday, December 28, 2009

Thoughts about the new year

I don't know about you but in recent years I have been thinking and reflecting at this time of year about what has happened and what will happen in the next year. I don't know if next year will entail as many changed for my life as this past year did. In the past year I bought a house, moved, quit my career and started a new one. Took over a church. Preached more in the first 3 months than I have ever done in my entire life. I performed a funeral for a friend, saw others go through great struggles with their health and the health of others. I saw people's lives changed by God this year. I baptized 6 who are following Jesus. I dedicated a child and his family to follow God. It has been a year full of new things for me and for our church. Isn't that part of what God does? He makes all things new. He is a God of new beginnings. We have some of those coming up this year as we rename the church, as we move to a new location. I'm sure that next year as I look back I will see as many if not more changes in my life as I seek to follow God. How about you? What has God done for you this last year and what may be in store for the next one?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Crazy Days

Some days are just so full of stuff that it is easy to forget the time we should spend with God. Today is one of those days for me. A lot of running around and things to get done today so that tomorrow goes smoother. I woke up later that I should have and the first temptation was to get on the computer and start working since I have leave in less than an hour for a meeting. Instead I had to discipline myself to take some time in the Bible and prayer before I really got into the day. God gives me so much when I put Him first. Often what I read in the morning is applicable at some point in the day and God brings it to mind. Don't forget in the busyness of life to remember and talk to the one who love you the most and has numbered each hair on your head. Not just counted but has each hair numbered. Take a few minutes today to spend with your creator and remember why you are here.

Monday, December 21, 2009


In the Christmas story we find shepherds being the first to know that a Savior was born to Israel. Why shepherds? Maybe they of all people were the most open to hearing the hope that was brought to them by the angels. There must be something to the shepherd thing because most of the people God used early in the Old Testament were shepherds. Abraham, Jacob, Moses and David were all shepherds at some point. It must teach you something about God to be a shepherd and how God views us. They were just normal people going about their daily work and God spoke to them and used them in amazing ways. God still does it today with you and me.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Time to think

I normally have so many things going on around me that it can be hard to take time to think about anything fully. So today, I was able to spend 4 hours shoveling snow and was able to actually think about stuff. Nothing all that important but it was good to get away from the distractions. I find that having something repetitive and mindless to do helps me think through whatever is on my mind. I also was able to finish an audio book of John Piper's "Desiring God". It was a pretty good book and worth the time to listen to it. He broadened my understanding of why God created us, to enjoy His presence in our lives forever. Seems simple, but it can be complicated. For anyone looking for a challenging book, check this one out some time.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Polling on Sunday

This past Sunday I had the opportunity to sit outside of Murphy's Markeyplace in Atco and poll people about our new name. It was interesting to see how people responded to our request. Some ignored us or said not thanks to answering our question. Some stopped to talk and find out more about us. A few wanted to donate money. We weren't there to take money from others but to get their opinion of what church name most appeals to them and to give them a candy cane for their vote. We have 2 more days scheduled for taking polls this week and I hope that we get a good feel for the community and what name would help to draw people in to our church family. That is the reason we are changing is to connect better with our community. As I think about changing the name and what we will choose it helps to keep in mind that our name is really about connecting with others and not so much about our wants and desires.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Word Became Flesh

I wonder sometimes if we look at John 1:14 and kind of miss the amazing import of that fact the the Word, which was with God and was God became flesh. Somehow this person of Jesus Christ was both flesh and God at the same time. I can't even begin to comprehend it. That God would choose to do this just makes me sit in disbelief. I don't understand fully why He did it, but I am thankful that He did. Without the Word becoming flesh, I would not have a relationship with God, my sins would still be held against me and I would be under God's judgment and not under His grace. Join me this week in contemplating how amazing God's love for us is as we think about what His becoming flesh truly means for each of us.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009


To me, this time of year speaks of hope. For many years God made promises to His followers. To Adam in the Garden, to Abraham and to many others God made promises of the future messiah. We are celebrating the fulfillment of the messiah arriving. It seemed like a long time from when the promises were made to when they came true. But it happened and it gives me hope that the other promises will one day come happen. Without the birth of Christ, we are living on deferred hope. With the birth we live on a new hope as we see how God works throughout history. Remember this Christmas season of the hope that you have in Jesus Christ. A hope that is sure and will never fail.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Church Names

Today, I announced the short list of names for the church. We came down to these 3. Faith Community Alliance, Joy Community Alliance and Loving Grace Alliance. We felt strongly that Alliance should be part of our name since we are part of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. There is a poll up on our website for people to submit which name they believe works best for us. The reason we are renaming is as we have looked at our community we see that it is a more traditional community especially when it comes to Christianity. We will be challenged in the coming weeks and months as to how to incorporate things that may be more traditional into what we do without changing who we are and our message. It is important for our church to communicate in ways that our local culture can understand so that they may come to be followers of Jesus Christ. I encourage you to take time in the next few weeks to talk to your friends, relatives and neighbors about our name and have them go online to and take the poll. We need your input to make this change a success.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Day

Today is Thanksgiving and I have so much to be thankful for. I have a wonderful family. We have had 2 new additions to our extended family and one being added in by marriage next year. I have a great job. I go to a great church. I have heat on the cold days and food on my table. I feel very blessed. Today I will be going to a men's breakfast at Lambs Road Assembly and then heading to my sister's for Thanksgiving dinner. It will be a day of eating all sorts of stuff but I don't want to forget to thank God for all His blessings. All that I have is God's and comes from Him. I am just His steward. I pray that you would be able to find the things that you can be thankful for today and praise God for them. Happy Thanksgiving!!

Monday, November 23, 2009


This week I mentioned the Sadduccees. As I was thinking about them I began to wonder why they even professed to follow God if they didn't believe in any sort of afterlife. What is the purpose of following a strict set of rules when you believe that once you die there is nothing. Maybe it was because they saw it as a way to gain power in this life and wanted to be able to wield power over others. Or they just hadn't thought their position on the resurrection very well. My eternal life began when I became a follower of Jesus Christ and will continue for all eternity. What I do here and now matters. There is a purpose and reason for my life and everyone else's. I am thankful this week for my relationship with Jesus Christ. I am thankful that I can live a life of eternal significance because of what Jesus did for me. What are you thankful for?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Men's Retreat

Today we are headed out on our first men's retreat. We are going to Harvey Cedar's Retreat Center. I am looking forward to getting to know these men better and to see how God is going to challenge us in our time away. We are going to be talking about discipleship and what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. We all need reminders at time of what it means to follow Jesus. I pray this would spur all of us forward in our walk with Christ.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Money pt.2

As I was pondering my own finances and how it relates to my faith in God I had a thought. Consider this. What if each of us was employed by the same company and we each had a corporate credit card. We would be allowed to use that card for specific purposed based on the policies of the company. Some things would be allowed like a modest hotel room while on a business trip. Other things like an extravagant room could be banned. Renting a car or taking a plane could be ok if it fir into the policy. If we decided to take that card and go out on a shopping spree we would be using it wrongly and stealing from the company especially if we hid what we did. We would be guilty of misappropriation of funds. You hear about it all the time. A local sports group will have someone who made off with a lot of money. In most cases it started off small. A little bit here with the promise to pay it back later. Over time it begins to snowball into a larger and larger amount and then the person is facing jail time. Don't we do the same thing? We are servants of a King. We have a policy (the Bible) to follow. When we go against the stated policy we are stealing from the King. When we use His things in the wrong ways we are guilty of being bad stewards. Where in your life are you using things that belong to God (which is everything) in ways that wouldn't please Him? Will you continue to disobey God or will to look as His word and put your trust in what He says is right and true? What are you going to do about?

Monday, November 16, 2009


One of the more difficult things we as American's find to talk about is our money. Yet Jesus time and again points it out as something that can be stumbling block to each of us. This past Sunday we looked at the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30. We saw that 2 of the servants were good stewards of the master's wealth by using the master's money in a way that pleased the master. They knew what the master desired and carried it out. We know what our master desires. He wrote it down in His book to us. We need to be good stewards of what He has given us especially when it comes to money. He gives principles such as giving back to Him of the first fruits of what we get. To give to Him off the top and not as an afterthought. He is the one who gave us the ability to work and earn money. When we surrender our lives to God's control we need to also surrender in this area. Martin Luther is reported to have said "There are three conversions a person needs to experience: The conversion of the head; the conversion of the heart; and the conversion of the pocketbook."

Maybe we don't trust God enough in the area of our finances. It seems hard to me that we trust Him for salvation from judgment for our sins which is a huge thing. But when it comes to our money we can't seem to trust that His way is right. Maybe we need to take time to ponder why we trust Him for the most important thing in the world and yet not trust Him with lesser things like money and how we use it.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Spiritual Gifts

This week I took a spiritual gifts test to see if anything has changed since the last time I took one. I compared my previous one from about 4 years ago and not much has changed. I still rank highest in knowledge and teaching. I believe God has put me in a good place to use both of these gifts for His glory. If you haven't already taken a spiritual gifts test, take one now. Here is the link to the one I took.

Friday, November 13, 2009

God answer's prayer

I was trying something new in my prayer time yesterday. Another pastor suggested writing out my prayers on an index card and then placing them on a shelf signifying that I was giving my request to God. One of the items I prayed about was having to do with paying some unexpected bills and be able to buy some Christmas presents for my family. I put this on the shelf at 7:45 yesterday morning and at 4:30 I got a call to do some consulting work that I thought wouldn't take too long. I ended up with at least 6 hours of work and should be able to pay some of those bills and put some towards Christmas shopping. I can't say that writing prayers down is what did it, but how many times to we pray for something and we forget about it and never look to see how God answered our prayers. I encourage you this week to take some time to see how God has answered your prayers.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Spiritual Gifts

This past Sunday we looked 1 Peter 4:7-11 and saw that God has given us spiritual gifts to be used to serve others. I encouraged each person to take a spiritual gifts test and to pray about how God could use them effectively for His kingdom. When we use our spiritual gifts we are showing the grace of God towards others. We are not limited to using our spiritual gifts inside the church body. We can use our gifts in every situation we find ourselves. We should be looking for opportunities to use our gifts in everyday life. Pray that God would use you today in the gifts that He has blessed you with. That is my prayer.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day

This week we celebrate Veteran's Day. I would like to thank each and every veteran for their service to this great country. Your dedication, sacrifice and patriotism should be praised by all American's. My prayer is that God would bless you for your service on behalf of others and that He would protect those who are still in service to our country.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

What is God's?

We are going to be examining how we can be good stewards of everything that God has blessed us with over the next few weeks. This past Sunday we looked at what belongs to God from each one of us. Matthew 22:37 speaks to our love belonging to God. Malachi 1:6-8 shows us that we need to give God our honor. Malachi 3:8-10 shows us that we need to give our best of our tithes and offerings to God. John 14:1 says that we need to trust God. 1 Peter 4:1-3 is about how our time and our lives belong to God. Psalms 24:1 tells us the everything that has been created belongs to God.

I believe as we change our mindset and outlook from everything we have as belonging to us to everything belonging to God, it will free us to do what He wants us to do with His stuff. As stewards of God's creation we are to use everything for His glory. It all comes from Him and we will be held accountable for how we use and steward what has been put under our control.

It comes down to being honest about how we don't give back to God what is His. And once we repent we can then begin to give to God what is His and use the blessings He has given us to His glory. When we don't own up to this fact that we all miss the mark at times when it comes to being good stewards we are like the people God speaks to in Malachi 3:8 "Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me." We rob God by stealing from Him what is rightfully His. What in your life needs to change? I implore you to change it now.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Why are we here?

Sometimes I think it is good for us to take time to examine why we are here. Why does God have us in this place at this time? How can we glorify Him through our current circumstances? I think it goes back to Matthew 28 when Jesus tells the disciples what they are to do for the rest of their lives. He tells them to go make disciples who follow everything that Jesus had taught them to do. We are here, as disciples of Jesus Christ to go make new disciples and pass on the life changing message of Jesus Christ to all those that God has put in our path. God has put you in a specific situation to allow you to share the Good News in a way that no one else can. Jesus did not die on the cross just so that you can go to spend eternity with God once you die. He died also so that you may bring life to others who are dying in their sins and upon whom God's judgment currently rests. Until we begin to see others as God sees them we will not be true disciples or followers. Pray that God would open your eyes to see and love people as He does. Allow Him to change your heart towards others.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The witness of others

This past week we talked about the parable of the two sons contained in Matthew 21:28-32. Jesus was rebuking the chief priests and teachers of the law because they say yes to God but never do anything about actually following God. Jesus points out in the passage that even though they saw the change that came over tax collectors and prostitutes who repented when John the Baptist came, they still did not follow after God. Not only did they have the message of John, they had been able to see the fruit of the message by the change in these "sinners" lives. Maybe you are out there and you don't know if you can trust the message that has been written to us in the Bible. I challenge you to take a look at the change that it has wrought in people who have followed it. I was reading in John 4 and it talks about Jesus' interaction with a Samaritan woman. She later goes into the town and tells everyone about Jesus. On the basis of her testimony, the people come to meet Jesus and they end up saying this. It is no longer because of what you have said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves and know that this One is indeed the Savior of the world.(vs 42) They saw a change in her life and wanted to find out more and once they encountered Jesus they had their own experience with God and were changed. Don't be like the chief priests who rejected both the message and the fruit of the message. Say yes to God and then do what he commands.

Thursday, October 08, 2009

The Fig Tree

This past Sunday, Ed Webster shared from Matthew 21:18-22 about Jesus casting judgment on the fig tree. I have always wondered about why Jesus did this and Ed was able to bring to light a lot of things about this passage. I was interested to find out that the fig trees in Israel have a bud that comes out before the fruit appears that is edible. If the buds don't appear then their will be no fruit. Jesus passed judgment on the fig tree because it would not be bearing fruit. The early sign of fruit did not exist. It was an example to the disciples of what was about to come upon Jerusalem and the nation of Israel because they were not bearing fruit in keeping with repentance. The warning also applies to us in our communities of faith. We need to bear fruit in our churches or we will begin to wither from the root upwards. Each one of us in a branch on the tree and all of us need to work together to bring the fruit out. We need to stick close to the source from which all good things flow which is Jesus. If we remain in him we will bear fruit. If we are not bearing fruit it is a sign that we are not in him. Are you remaining in Jesus?

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Time off

Everyone needs time off once in a while. I took the last couple of week off to do a lot of things around the house. I had a list of at least 16 projects that needed to be completed. So the first week I worked on the most important ones. You know, the projects you promised that would get done. Then I got sick. I was planning on doing the entire list and not really taking a whole lot of down time to just relax and enjoy not having anything to do. Well, once I became sick, I didn't have a choice. The list was put away and I laid around for 4 or 5 days trying to recover. I have to say that this was not the worst sickness I ever had and it was a reminder that I need to take time to not do anything even when I have a list to complete. I feel better now and I have a better sense of things that I need to be focusing on in the next couple of weeks for work and around the house. I did end up getting 11 of my 16 projects done so it wasn't a complete wash out.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Clearing the Temple

Two additional thoughts about Jesus clearing out the temple as recorded in Matthew 21:12-13.
1. Jesus was expected by his followers to assume the kingship of Israel and then through the Romans out of Israel and usher in the Messianic Kingdom. Instead, he goes to the Temple and drives out those who were using God’s Temple for their own gain. He attacked the system that was truly keeping people in bondage. That was the Pharisees whose rules and regulations made it impossible to become a follower of God. Jesus took what they had put in place which didn’t lead them into God’s Kingdom and threw it out. He made a way for each of us to come into God’s Kingdom.
2. God gives us chances to clear the clutter out of our lives. There does seem to come a time when he takes it upon himself to forcefully remove the things that separate us from him. Which is better? Too drive the things are wrong in our lives out like Jesus drove out the money changers? Or to have God come in and force them out.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

What do we believe about the Bible?

"The Old and New Testaments, inerrant as originally given, were verbally inspired by God and are a complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men. They constitute the divine and only rule of Christian faith and practice." This is taken directly from our Statement of Beliefs on our website. It sounds good, but what does it mean and why is it important. Let's start by talking about what inerrant means. Inerrancy is the view that when all the facts become known, they will demonstrate that the Bible in its original autographs and correctly interpreted is entirely true and never false in all it affirms, whether that relates to doctrine or ethics or to the social, physical, or life sciences.

This means that there are no contradictions in the Bible. Anything that we think is a contradiction show us that we do not have enough information about the passage to understand it completely. It also speaks to the original autographs as being inerrant. Not to the many copies and translations. We know that some of the translations of the Bible seem to change what is being said when compared to other translations. The Bible is trustworthy in all that it contains.

This is important because there is also a belief about the Bible that is infallible. This is the belief that what the Bible says regarding matters of faith and Christian practice are wholly useful and true. Some denominations that teach infallibility hold that the historical or scientific details, which may be irrelevant to matters of faith and Christian practice, may contain errors. This becomes a slippery slope where the judgment of where the Bible is fallible or infallible falls to very fallible men. We start to believe that the Bible is wrong on one area and then that leads us to believe that it is wrong in many areas. If it is wrong then we don’t have a basis to stand on as believers in Jesus Christ. We have seen over the last few years in many church denominations that hold to Bible to be infallible but not inerrant a change in direction away from what the Bible teaches and they have allowed and condoned things that the Bible specifically speaks against. This is because they have made judgments on God's Word that are incorrect and are teaching false ideas.

Let’s hold fast to the Word of God as it is the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men and the only rule of Christian faith and practice.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

What does it mean to be a servant?

As I was studying in Matthew 20, I came across Jesus talking about what greatness looks like in God's kingdom. To be great, you must be the servant of all. We don't have servants around today as they have in the past. It isn't something most of us have come across or are familiar with. What does a servant do? A servant does whatever his master requires. He does small jobs that seem menial and below him as well as large, complicated jobs that stretch his talents to the limit. A servants primary responsibility is to complete the work given by the master. In our case, as followers of Jesus Christ, we are called to love God and to love others and also to go into the world to make disciples or fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. For us to become great in God's eyes, we need to be about his business and his business comes before ours in order or priority. What changes would God want in your life for you to be about his business?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Guiding Statement

There is a lot of talk in church circles about vision. Depending on who defines vision, you may come across 10 different people with 10 different definitions. At the Edge Church we have a guiding statement. It is this.

God’s call to the Edge Church is to establish, build and maintain loving relationships in three key areas. These key areas are the relationship between each one of us and God, between each other in the body of Christ and between each one of us and those who are not followers of Jesus Christ.

As we move forward as a church, we will refer back to this statement to give us guidance on what we should do. If it does not establish, build or maintain loving relationships then we will not do it. It could be a great idea, a great program, but if it doesn't fit in with our goals then there is no point in doing it.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


It was amazing to be part of baptizing 6 people on Sunday. Each has made a personal commitment to follow Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. As the Apostle Paul said in Romans 6, when we go down into the water we are identifying with Jesus' death and burial. When we come up out of the water we are rising to a new life in Christ Jesus. Just as Jesus arose into a new life, we too have new life in him. It is amazing that God does that for us. It wasn't enough for him to reach out to us, to show us the way to get to him. Instead of leaving it there, he paves the way for us and pays for all the tolls and gives us the strength and power to serve him. None of it comes from us, all of it comes from him.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Leadership Summit

This past week I attended a Leadership Summit that was put on by the Willow Creek Association. It was a 2 day program that had a lot of good speakers and some great ideas for how to lead in these uncertain times. One of the things that struck me the most was that someone asked one of the speakers recently when would things go back to normal. When would the economy start working again. When can we go back to the way things were before. He answered with the question, what if this is the new normal? What if things around us continue to be uncertain? Does this change who God is and that he has a plan and a purpose for not only the Edge Church, but for each of you? God does not change, he is not surprised by the events happening around the world. If this is the new normal, all this uncertainty, how are you going to approach life from now on? What changes could God be asking you to make in your life? He is challenging me to trust him in all things.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The Future

I have been thinking about the future over the last couple of months. I have been trying to answer the question of what does the future hold for the Edge Church. I can see in the distance where we are headed and will be sharing that both here and in church over the next couple of months. What I need help from others is how do we get where we are going. If you are going on a road trip to California, there are many routes to take. No two routes are the same. You will encounter many different places along the way. On any trip whether it is to a new place that you haven’t been before or a trip to a goal that you have in life you can take many paths. It will be up to all of us as a church to get where we are going and to map out how we are going to get there. Lisa and I are planning a trip for next year out to Colorado for her sister’s wedding. As we plan how we are going to get there we have a lot of choices ahead of us. Which roads to take, which towns to stop in? What are we going to see on the way there? We can take the fastest route or the most scenic route. What really matters is making it to the destination in the time frame. The same goes for the future of the Edge Church. We have an end point in view, but how we get there and what we do along the way is up for discussion. I ask that as each of you think about the church and the end point that we have in mind, that you pray and ask God what part he would have you play in helping us get to our destination and be willing to do what he ask of you. Just as a successful road trip needs each family member to play their part, getting to where God wants us to go will require all of our involvement.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Reading the Bible through

I started last September to read the Bible through in less than a year as part of my ordination process. I decided to read through it in chronological order. It has been an interesting process. I don't want to read just to get through it, but with the amount I need to read in a short period of time it seems like I am skimming over the surface. I have been amazed at how parts are repeated over and over. I have found things I have never seen before when reading through the Bible. I understand the relationship between parts of the Old Testament and the New Testament better. All in all it has been a good process and one that I encourage anyone to undertake if you have never done it before. It does take time and effort each day. Like developing any discipline, it can be hard at first. The rewards though are worth the effort. I start again this time in a different version and with a renewed sense of wonder at how God orchestrated this Word of His over 1600 years with so many different writers and yet it all fits together.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Generous Living

This past Sunday I shared 7 reasons or excuses why we don’t give to God. I got the idea from this website . They actually list over 40 reasons that we give to avoid following God’s commands. If I didn’t hit one that you use, check out the website and they may cover it. Or contact me and we can dialog on it.
I have to admit that I have struggled with giving. This past week, I looked at the bank account and realized that if I gave what I had written my check out for, that I may not be able to cover all my bills. This is where the rubber meets the road. Would I re-write the check and then get up on Sunday as a hypocrite? Or would I stay the course and trust in faith that God would meet my needs. I can’t say that the struggle was over in only a moment. It took a few minutes before I remembered all that I know about God and decided to follow through on what he has commanded me to do. To honor him with the first fruits. So, if you are out there and think you are the only person who struggles to give at times or to even give at all, know that you are not alone.
Let me share one last story. A few years ago while attending Hope Chapel in Pine Hill, NJ they had a challenge. It was a challenge to start the year by tithing and seeing how God would work in your life. I decided that I would take this challenge. I came to the point over many years of starting and stopping that I needed to be faithful in this area even if I didn’t see and financial results. I made the decision that I would give even if it meant giving up things that I thought I needed. We ended up having to sell our house at that time because we could not afford it. Not the financial blessing you normally hear about from preachers who claim that God is required to bless you financially when you give. But through that process God has taught me first of all about what I need. And that is ultimately a relationship with him. Everything else is secondary to this ultimate over-ruling need. He has increased my faith in this area and I know that if I am a good steward of what he has blessed me with, then my needs are met.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The downward spiral

2 Timothy 3:1-17 1 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God-- 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with them.

How much does this passage speak to us today. People will be lovers of themselves. We see this all over the place. It is plastered on every magazine cover. People just love themselves, they spend billions of dollars every year to "improve" themselves. We can see the love of money wherever we go. It is what has gotten our nation into it's current economical problems. Boastful, who hasn't seen a boastful football player? Pride seems to be growing all the time. You just have to watch 5 minutes of a news show to see how abusive people have become. We all can tell stories of kids who have become so disobedient to their parents that the stories don't even shock us anymore. Everyone seems to be ungrateful. There are very few people who even strive to be holy or loving or forgiving. Slander is all around us. Few show any signs of self-control. Brutality is one the rise. People hate the good things and love the bad. Treachery is all over the place, look at the rise of attorney's who sue each other because of broken contracts. People act without thinking; they are conceited, thinking only about themselves and what makes them happy right now with no thought to the future. Pleasure has replaced God the Father as the god of many people. What is the antidote for this? Paul tells us in verse 14

14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, 15 and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Continue in what you have learned. Don't give up on it. All scripture is God breathed and useful for counteracting the affects of the world. Be equipped for every good work by spending time learning and applying the Word of God.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


This past Sunday I was able to take a few minutes and begin to share what God has put on my heart for the future of the Edge Church. The one thing that I wanted to get across is that we live in a faith community that needs to interact with the larger community around us. The Edge Church needs to be part of the larger community of Atco/Berlin if we are to fulfill the plans that God has for us. A fellowship of believers where everyone is accepted just as Jesus accepted each on of us where we were. Yet, it is also a fellowship where people are challenged and encouraged to become the people that God desires. We need to being by taking our loving relationships outside our current community of faith and into the larger community that we are a part of already. Over the coming months we have many decisions to make. Such as, where will we meet in 2010, how will we begin to reach out to the world around us? All these decisions need to be made in light of this plan that God has for us. I encourage you to pray about how God can use you as part of His plan for the Edge Church.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Follow Me

Jesus calls follow me to those he desires to be his disciples. He gives no promise of how great our lives will turn out. He just calls each of us to follow him. To stay with him when the road is dark, when food is scarce, when trouble seems to be all around us. He calls us to follow him. To spend time with him, to learn his ways and put them into practice in our own lives. As we examine his life, we are encouraged to be like Jesus. We can respond to others the way that Jesus did. When people full of problems and pain come to Jesus even when he was tired, he responds with compassion. We can do the same. When people come to Jesus seeking God, he responds by showing them the Father, we can do the same. Jesus’ call to follow him isn’t just for us to walk behind him but to live our lives as he lived his.

I have found that he calls me into areas where I don't feel comfortable or confident in my own abilities. He calls me to places where I need to depend on him at all times. Where has Jesus called you to follow him? I encourage you to take that chance and see what God wants to do through you.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

All around us

I have been thinking about all the people around us every day who do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Our neighbors, the people that walk up and down our street, the postal worker, the guy at the gas station, the cashier at Shoprite or Walmart. Family and friends that we have known all our lives. Each of them have something in common. They all don't know Jesus and according to Revelation 20:15 their eternal destiny will be in the lake of fire. So how is God going to reach all these people that we come in contact with? All these people have something else in common. Each of us come in contact with them each and every day. Jesus told the disciples to be witnesses about him. The woman at the well in John 4 brought an entire town to Jesus by sharing about what he had said to her. She had no Biblical training, she had no degree. She just told others about the good things God had done for her. She cared enough about those back in town, a town that may have ostracized her, to share the good news. What is it going to take for you to share the good news with the people you come in contact with? What is stopping you from talking about what Jesus has done for you recently with a family member or someone you run into at Target? Jesus called his disciples to come follow him and he would make us fishers of men. If we never cast the net we can never actually catch a fish. I encourage you to think about those people you run into often and pray that God would open the opportunity for you to share what God has been doing in your life.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Walking Across the Room

I am currently reading a book by Bill Hybels called Just Walk Across the Room. It gives some simple things that anyone can do to point people to Jesus. As I have been reading through it, I have been thinking about how intentional I need to be in meeting new people and building relationships with those outside of the Edge Church. All it takes sometimes is walking across the room to meet someone new to build a brigde that helps one day bring that person to a relationship with Jesus. It could be walking across the street to meet a neighbor. I realize that I have not been intentional with doing these things. I have sat on the sidelines for too long and now I need to do this and not because I am the pastor. I believe that all of us have people in our lives, people that we run into that need the hear the message of God's love through us. Through our story of how God has worked in our lives. We need to get involved in other people's lives. We need to build a bridge to them so that at some point we can point them to Jesus. So how intentional are you?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Goal Setting

This past week I set a goal for myself. We moved to this house in February. Since then I have said hi to a couple of neighbors, but I hadn’t really met them or had the opportunity to talk to them. The goal I set was modest. It was to meet at least 2 neighbors and have a brief conversation with them. We had a yard sale on Saturday which enabled me to meet this goal. I met several people from the neighborhood and spoke with a few closer neighbors. Hopefully this will lead to more. I have been praying about how I can reach out to these people. I will keep you posted as things progress. I also have 3 houses for sale within a few feet of ours. I am praying for the new neighbors that will be moving in. I have found that if I don't set a concrete, achievable goal I may never attempt to do anything new. It also helps to have someone hold you accountable to the goals that you set. What goals can you set and who can help you stay on track?

Monday, May 18, 2009

Studying the Bible

I know that sometimes it is hard to study the Bible. There seems to be so much in the Bible and it can be overwhelming. Never fear, I have some tips and some links to help you in your time of study. One of the things I suggest is to set aside time to study something in God's word often. Put it on your calendar and stick to it. For some people you need to find a quiet place to do this. I like to go to a lake once in a while and sit in a chair as I read and pray. As you open the Bible, begin to pray and ask that God would open you eyes and your mind to see and understand what his word is speaking to you. Then as you come across words that are unfamilar, look them up in the dictionary. There are online dictionaries if you don't have one at home. Really try to understand each word and how they all fit together. Ask questions about the passage. Re-read it several times. Think about how you can apply something from it to your life. As you put your Bible away, ask that God would use that passage in your life, that he would make it real to you.

Some websites that help.
Six-Step Method of Bible Study
Biblegateway - good for comparing versions of the Bible

Friday, May 15, 2009

Do you want to get well?

In John 5:1-15 we see the story of Jesus healing a man who was an invalid for 38 years. Jesus asks him a question in verse 6 that has echoed in my head. Jesus asked him, "do you want to get well?" This is an interesting question. Our first assumption is that why wouldn't he want to get well. He has been sitting there for 38 years, of course that is what he wants. But maybe that isn't what he really wanted. Maybe the sickness that caused him to become an invalid was how he identified himself. Maybe that was his excuse to not try. If Jesus heals him, then he has to go out and get a job. He has to take responsibility for himself. He no longer can use his sickness as an excuse to not do something. This led me to wonder why we don't always have our prayers answered. Maybe because Jesus is asking us this question. Do you want to get well? He asks because we may not understand all that will take place once we have been healed and I am not just talking about physical healing. Do we want to be made well in all areas of our lives? Have we thought about what that would really mean? All our crutches would be removed. We could never blame our actions on something wrong with us. We can't use the excuse that I am broken in this area to prevent us from following after God.

If you look at the invalid's response to Jesus, he says "sir, I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in , someone else goes down ahead of me." Think about this for a moment. For may 38 years this man has sat by this pool and attemped to get into the pool while it was stirred up by an angel so that he could be healed. And for 38 years, someone always got ahead of him. He hadn't given up. He still was looking for a miracle. Makes me wonder about how soon I give up when seeking God for something. How about you, how quickly do you give up and say it must not be God's will and all He is doing is asking you if you really want it. Or he could be using the experience to bring your or someone else closer to him.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Personal Devotional Time

Recently I began to be coached by one of the leaders of our district. As part of the intake process he encouraged me to change how I had been doing my devotional time. What I had been doing was reading through the Bible chronologically and the time I spent in prayer was mainly about other's needs. His challenge to me was to change my focus. If the time spent is my personal time with God, why am I not paying attention to my relationship with God? He suggested that my personal time be about me and God. What I should do is to read scripture and when I feel like something jumps out at me to stop and think and pray about what God is saying to me. I need to take time to allow God to change me and show me where I am missing his plans for my life. So I asked him, when do I then pray for others? His response was that he asks God to interrupt his day by bringing people and their needs to his mind throughout the day so that he can pray for them. My question today for you is, how do you spend your time with God? Is it about others or about you and him? We need God to change and mold us so that we can be used effectively in his service.

Here is a link with some suggestions on how to change up your time spent with God.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


Life seems to be full of distractions. Sometimes I wonder if people had fewer distractions when there was less technology all around them. We can be easily distracted from what is important in life. There is always something else to be done. The WII is calling, Facebook is out there waiting for me to update. There are household project always waiting to be done. The grass needs to be cut, I have to open the pool. There are probably hundreds of things I could be doing right now. It can get to the point where you are neglecting important things in your life because we are surrounded by distractions. Things like spending time in prayer and reading God's word to us. Time with family and friends. Important things that really matter. In 6 months will it matter if I updated Facebook or played on the WII? It could matter if I took the time instead to spend developing a relationship. I have realized over the years that sometimes discipline is not enough when it comes to dealing with distractions. What we need is to come to grips with what distracts us most and then develop a plan to deal with it. Sometimes that will mean asking someone else to keep us accountable. It could be shutting the computer or TV off. How do you deal with distractions? How may you change how you deal with them?

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Getting Started

A lot of things have changed in my life and the life of the Edge over the last couple of months. I hope in this blog to write semi often about the changes and what God is doing in my life and also in the church. This may be a place where I write about upcoming things and what God has put on my heart for the Edge Church. I may post items about things I learned in preparing for sermons that I was not able to share on a Sunday. I may post questions for those of you who are reading this. I may just ramble on at times.