Monday, April 05, 2010

Life happens (follow up to paths)

After I wrote the last blog about paths and how God is constantly working on us I ran into a situation that I was able to later identify as God digging some roots out of my life. I got angry over a set of circumstances that I didn’t like. I felt like everything was working against me. As I processed through why I was angry and began to pray a little bit I realized it was all about my own selfishness. I was being selfish. I was thinking only about how I felt and about how things affected me and my plans. I was not looking at it from a viewpoint of how can I most serve God in this situation but how could I get what I wanted. Thankfully I did not get what I wanted and God was able to show me at least this tendril of root. The only problem is that the roots of selfishness are similar to the roots of bamboo. They snake all over the place and continue to grow even when you think you have gotten them all out. I pray that God would open my eyes sooner to my own selfishness in the future so that I can see Him and glorify Him through how I respond. What is God using in your life to open your eyes to how you need to change?




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