Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Lord's Prayer "Our Father"

When Jesus was asked to teach his disciples he started out by saying "Our father." This is significant because God was not seen as a father figure. God was an almighty, most powerful God who created everything and had a list of rules and regulations to follow. Jesus introduces us to God, the Father. He includes his disciples in this when he uses the word our. God is our Father. He isn't a remote God who you cannot approach except in dire circumstances or with specific rituals. He is a father who cares deeply for his children. A father who sees exactly what they need and gives it to them. A father who is perfect. More perfect than even the best of fathers. Many of us can't even grasp what kind of father God is because our own earthly fathers have not been good examples of God's love. Take some time in the next few days to ask God to show you how he cares for you as a child. Look at your own earthly father and be honest with yourself in where he failed you and don't expect God to fail you in the same way. God is the Father that all of us fathers should strive to be like but fail so short of time and time again. Ask God to open your eyes to His love for you. He is Our Father.

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