Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Thoughts on John 1:1-5

I have been reading through John's Gospel and thought I would share some of the things that have come to mind as I have contemplated God's word. John 1:1-5 The light shines in the darkness and the darkness did not comprehend it. To comprehend means to understand the nature or meaning of something. The darkness cannot understand the nature or meaning of light. To darkness, light seems to be something that attacks it or drives it away into the corners. No longer is darkness in control. A little bit of lit can drive the darkness away like nothing else. The darkness sees light as the enemy because it cannot understand it. Darkness wants to remove from sight everything. It wants everything to remain hidden. Light brings everything into view. The world is darkness and they do not understand the light that shines forth from those who are in the light. They degrade it. They put it down. They attack it or explain it away. Yet there is something there that they know if different. It is as if they cannot understand the light without experiencing the light. It is like flipping channels on the tv and coming across a channel that is geared for someone from another culture. I could watch and watch and watch and yet not understand what they are saying or why they are doing what they are doing on the show. I would not be able to comprehend them. Yet if I were to move to where their culture is from I could then experience the culture and begin to understand some of the language and learn about why they do things the way they do them. The darkness within me does not like the light. The lights drags things out to be seen that the darkness wants hidden from view. If no one sees this sin then it doesn't exist. Yet the light needs to go into my dark areas and illuminate the sin and filth in my life so that it can be cleaned out. ]

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