Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Crazy Days

Some days are just so full of stuff that it is easy to forget the time we should spend with God. Today is one of those days for me. A lot of running around and things to get done today so that tomorrow goes smoother. I woke up later that I should have and the first temptation was to get on the computer and start working since I have leave in less than an hour for a meeting. Instead I had to discipline myself to take some time in the Bible and prayer before I really got into the day. God gives me so much when I put Him first. Often what I read in the morning is applicable at some point in the day and God brings it to mind. Don't forget in the busyness of life to remember and talk to the one who love you the most and has numbered each hair on your head. Not just counted but has each hair numbered. Take a few minutes today to spend with your creator and remember why you are here.

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