Monday, December 28, 2009

Thoughts about the new year

I don't know about you but in recent years I have been thinking and reflecting at this time of year about what has happened and what will happen in the next year. I don't know if next year will entail as many changed for my life as this past year did. In the past year I bought a house, moved, quit my career and started a new one. Took over a church. Preached more in the first 3 months than I have ever done in my entire life. I performed a funeral for a friend, saw others go through great struggles with their health and the health of others. I saw people's lives changed by God this year. I baptized 6 who are following Jesus. I dedicated a child and his family to follow God. It has been a year full of new things for me and for our church. Isn't that part of what God does? He makes all things new. He is a God of new beginnings. We have some of those coming up this year as we rename the church, as we move to a new location. I'm sure that next year as I look back I will see as many if not more changes in my life as I seek to follow God. How about you? What has God done for you this last year and what may be in store for the next one?

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