Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Romans 12:1-2

I was reading Romans 12:1-2 one morning this week and I took some time to think about what it was really saying. I have probably read this passage at least 30 times before this time. Yet I never stopped to ponder what it meant. Sometimes I get so caught up in making sure I read a passage that I never stop to find out what it means for me.

A couple of things jumped out at me. It says for us to present our bodies as a living and holy sacrifice that is acceptable to God. It sounds like a good idea but what does it mean? Obviously we can’t present our bodies as a traditional sacrifice since we still need to live afterwards. Once a sacrifice is offered to God it is no longer in your control or under your authority. When we present our bodies as living sacrifices we are giving authority over our flesh to God on whose altar we have placed ourselves. A sacrifice once offered cannot be used again for other purposes. Only for the purposes of God. Our bodies, our flesh are offered up to God and should not be joined into sin anymore. We are saying in effect we are dead to sin and all else except God’s will for our lives. This is how we worship God. We submit not just our spirits or mind to Him but also our very flesh to His will.

Next time I will go into what verse 2 spoke to me.



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