Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Romans 14:13

Paul says in Romans 14:13 "but rather determine this - not to put an obstacle of stumbling block in a brother's way." I keep coming back to the this verse and asking God if I am doing this in anyway. Am I by my actions or words putting something in front of other followers of Jesus Christ that would cause them to fall into sin? This is something we all need to be aware of in our daily life. Some people believe that certain kinds of music should not be allowed in church. I believe that God is ok with those same forms of music. If I were to go to their church and make them listen to it I would be putting up a stumbling block before them. Something to trip them up in their walk with God. I pray that God would reveal to me and to you if we are doing this and that we would be willing to stop so that our brother or sister in Christ is not led into sin.

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