Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Lord's Prayer "lead us not into temptation"

This is a very important part of the Lord's Prayer. We ask God to not lead us into temptation which God will not do because according to James 1:13 God cannot be tempted and does not tempt to evil. If we are walking in God's will we will avoid most temptations but sometimes we stray and end up facing temptation. Sometimes the enemy will bring temptation to us. When we face temptation we have a few things we can do to overcome it. First, we can flee. Time and time again we are told to flee immorality and other sins. Sometimes you can't flee for some reason or another. We also have the promise that God will provide a way out from any temptation that we face (1 Cor 10:13). So we pray and ask God to show us the way out. We ask the Holy Spirit for help and guidance. We can go to God's word and see what it says about our situation and how to handle it. We can cry out to God for His help. There are times when we need to seek help from others when dealing with temptation. We need to find someone we trust who we can share our weaknesses with and have accountability for our actions and thoughts. Put all of this into practice and you will begin to see victory over temptation. But you have to want victory and to hate the sin. Until you hate your sin you will continue to fall. Ask God to open you eyes to the sins that you love and for Him to show you how damaging it truly is to your life and the lives of others.

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