Sunday, November 01, 2009

Why are we here?

Sometimes I think it is good for us to take time to examine why we are here. Why does God have us in this place at this time? How can we glorify Him through our current circumstances? I think it goes back to Matthew 28 when Jesus tells the disciples what they are to do for the rest of their lives. He tells them to go make disciples who follow everything that Jesus had taught them to do. We are here, as disciples of Jesus Christ to go make new disciples and pass on the life changing message of Jesus Christ to all those that God has put in our path. God has put you in a specific situation to allow you to share the Good News in a way that no one else can. Jesus did not die on the cross just so that you can go to spend eternity with God once you die. He died also so that you may bring life to others who are dying in their sins and upon whom God's judgment currently rests. Until we begin to see others as God sees them we will not be true disciples or followers. Pray that God would open your eyes to see and love people as He does. Allow Him to change your heart towards others.

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