Monday, February 01, 2010

King Saul and the witch of Endor

This past Sunday we spent time looking at an episode at the end of King Saul's life where he faced an army and when he went to God for help all he received was silence. Instead of taking time to examine his life and see if there was unconfessed sin in his own life, Saul went to get direction from someone else. He sought out a medium to find out what he was to do next. He gave up on getting direction from God and went to other sources. No one else know the future but God. He is the only one who knows what is going to happen so when we go somewhere else for direction we are saying to God that we don't trust Him. We don't believe in our hearts that He really knows what He is doing and that we know better. We set ourselves or others up at a god, or idol, to us when we do this. We say that someone or something else knows things that God does not know. This even applies when we go to someone for direction who doesn't follow Jesus Christ. When we read a self help book that isn't based on Biblical principles we are saying the human wisdom is better than God's wisdom. When we listen to a someone on a tv show because they are famous we put their wisdom ahead of God's. We need to be very careful who we seek guidance and direction from so that we don't fall into the same trap Saul did which led to his death.

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